- 原子力{げんしりょく}エネルギーの平和的{へいわ てき}かつ安全{あんぜん}な利用{りよう}
peaceful and safe uses of nuclear energy 意味
- "peaceful" 意味
- "peaceful and calm" 意味
- "peaceful and diplomatic resolution to the issue" 意味
- "peaceful and friendly relations among nations" 意味
- "peaceful and quiet" 意味
- "peaceful and safe world free of nuclear weapons" 意味
- "peaceful and uneventful" 意味
- "peaceful attempt at restoring reunification" 意味
- "peaceful bay" 意味
- "peaceful and friendly relations among nations" 意味
- "peaceful and quiet" 意味
- "peaceful and safe world free of nuclear weapons" 意味
- "peaceful and uneventful" 意味